Thursday, June 25, 2009

Alert Ummah, there is a 90% chance that we will see the Jewish Dajjal in our lifetime !!

One of the prominent events preceding the Day of Judgement is the appearance of Dajjal. We have been apprised of many aspects of Dajjal both in the Qur’an and the Ahadis. In fact, the Muslims have been more informed about the Dajjal by the Holy Prophet than previous nations by their respective prophets. Dajjal will appear somewhere between Iraq and Syria, after the Battle of Istanbul takes place. The name in the Ahadis is Constantinople, which is the former name of Istanbul. Dajjal will be a Jew. His distinguishing feature is that he will be one-eyed and the word “Kafir” or “unbeliever” will be written on his forehead. That he is a Jew is confirmed from another hadis, which says that his followers will be mainly of Jewish religion.

Dajjal will be a powerful personality in this world. He will attract loads of people; his voice will be heard in the East and the West. The latter, given the present day communication technology in the form of satellite television and Internet, doesn’t seem surprising.

The main aim of Dajjal will be to try and convince people that he is God Almighty. He will try and deviate people from the Right Path and join his ranks. To achieve that end and to convince people with true faith, he will kill and then re-create the same person. This will prove to be sufficient to gain him more followers, especially the ones who have weak faith. But we must remember at all times, that he will definitely not be anywhere near God.

Dajjal will travel the whole world. The only place where he will not be able to enter is Makkah and Madinah. “It will at this very time that Allah will send Christ, son of Mary. He will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there will fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-believer who smells the odour of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he is able to see. He will then search for him (Dajjal) until he catches hold of him at the gate of Ludd and kills him.”

What you think "Baby is ..."????


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85 Responses to "Dajjal has Born in Israel ????"

god bless us and protect us from the jewesh dajjal

hey guys what we see in the picture is an unfortunate child . probably born defected due to some problems like after effects of the wars and all. How can we call the child Dajjal . “When GOD himself doesnot choose to judge man till the end of his days Who are you and I” . Dont spread words like these about an innocent child who has started his life in such darkness . how do u know who the child is. If he is the one who will be Dajjal? Why u guys making the poor innocent ones life more difficult than what it is going to be owing to the circumstances the child is born in .
Let him live his life . He has a very rough life ahead just because of his appearance and GOD alone knows what other complications he might be having . You call yourselves MUSLIMS then pray for the pooR innocent being that GOD have mercy on him rather than sitting there and speaking rubbish about tht innocent child . You who are calling this child Dajjal YOU YOURSELVES are bigger Dajjals than he would be as u r the ones forcing him to go that way by speaking about him that way . Because of the rumours u spread people will hate tht child more .He will be hated any ways for the looks he is having then the reputation u guys create for him will add fuel to fire . what would u do if the world turned against u even u would fight back so will this child who probably didnt want to but was forced to become a Dajjal by his own brothers and sisters who should have supported him and given him courage to go through life and face the challenges ahead. STOP IT all of u . instead say a little prayer for the child and for his well being and pray that Allah help the child and have Mercy on him .
May Allah have Mercy over all mankind including those who do not understand that what they are saying or doing is not right but evil. And as for the day Dajjal arrives who says Dajjal doesn’t exist in each one of us . who says we r good we r the biggest sinners so GOD forgive us our sins and have mercy on all of us . Ameen

I agree with Jabeen, let’s not spread such messages about a child. I beleive spreading roomers is a major sin in Islam and I will not support nor spread such roomers.

Guys c’mon, This is absurd. I’m not talking about the haddith and the Dajjal comments, its the fact that we are referring to an unfortunate child as such. This poor kid suffers from an disease that we have seen many other children suffer from in different parts of the world, most recently India. Let’s not isolate and teach our kids how to denigrate a child who deserves our prayer regardless of religion. Let’s not be ignorant….. may god forgive us and our ignorance.

I agree with Jabeen, let’s not spread such messages about a child. I beleive spreading roomers is a major sin in Islam and I will not support nor spread such roomers.

Please ppl dun spread such nonsense, first look at yourself , Allah has created each one of us differently, some Allah has blessed with kids others like me dun have kids but Allah knows best. May Allah bless this little child. Insha Allah…Its all test

Hi guys,
This is an unfortunate child with a congenital anomaly. Anopthalmia, the absence of one or both eyes. In this case, the two eyes during development have remained fused to eachother.
Kindly do not spread such sensational rumors. It is unethical.

As for dajjal, He has two eyes, not one. One of his eyes would be smaller than the other one, the bigger one, which will point out like a grape. Kindly do some research before putting such information.



I have to agree with ‘Jabeen’ and ‘Someone’…

May I relate to you comprehension of what followed with Hazrat Umer (R.A) when he suspected a boy of being Dajjal.

The boy would speak ghaib (words from the unknown). He (Hazrat Umer R.A) was to kill that boy when

(I heard it like this….. may Allaah save me from the sin of exagurating the sayings of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A))

Narration (O umer… if this child is dajjal then you will not be able to kill him. If he is not then you will gain the sin of killing an innocent boy)

May Allaah forgive for anything in this that I may have added or omitted.


Please, we do not have to judge into a matter that we do not have complete knowledge of. Let Allaah decide for us…. Verily, Allaah is the all powerful, Al-Mighty.

don,t tell every about dajjal

this might effect the last day of jugment so why was he born in israil becuse they hate muslims

As-salam Alaikum….I agree wid you guys .bt how can you say tht he is not DAJJAL bt please read this

Volume 4, Book 55, Number 553:

Narrated Ibn Umar:

Once Allah’s Apostle stood amongst the people, glorified and praised Allah as He deserved and then mentioned the Dajjal saying, “l warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I tell you about him something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed.”

Volume 4, Book 55, Number 649:

Narrated Abdullah:

The Prophet mentioned the Massiah Ad-Dajjal in front of the people saying, Allah is not one eyed while Messsiah, Ad-Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape. While sleeping near the Ka’ba last night, I saw in my dream a man of brown color the best one can see amongst brown color and his hair was long that it fell between his shoulders. His hair was lank and water was dribbling from his head and he was placing his hands on the shoulders of two men while circumambulating the Kaba. I asked, ‘Who is this?’ They replied, ‘This is Jesus, son of Mary.’ Behind him I saw a man who had very curly hair and was blind in the right eye, resembling Ibn Qatan (i.e. an infidel) in appearance. He was placing his hands on the shoulders of a person while performing Tawaf around the Ka’ba. I asked, ‘Who is this? ‘They replied, ‘The Masih, Ad-Dajjal.’ ”

Note: Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) has exhorted the regular recital of Suratul Kahf which will most certainly save one from the Evils of Dajjal.

Hadhrat Imraan bin Husain (R.A.) relates that, “I heard Rasulullah (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saying: “Since the birth of Adam (A.S.) till the advent of Qiyamah there is no fitnah (evil, test) much greater that of Dajjal.”

Imraan bin Husain (R.A.) says Rasulullah (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Those who hear about Dajjal should stay far from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking him to be a Believer, but on seeing his amazing feats he will become his follower.”

Read this Carefully guys…..I hope you will do So this is the PROVE THT HE IS DAJJAL

Hadhrat Mughira ibn Shu’ba (R.A.) says that, “No one asked Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) about Dajjal as much as myself. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) said to me, “How can he possibly harm you?”

I said: “People are saying that he will have with him a mountain of bread (provisions) and a river of water.”

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) said: “In the sight of Allah he is much more disgraced than that. (i.e. Allah knows full well that in reality Dajjal has nothing with him, and all that which appears to be with him is but deception). (Bukhari and Muslim).

Other Ahadeeth regarding Dajjal inform us that:

He will emerge between Shaam and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called Yahudea.
The Yahudis (Jews) of Isfahaan will be his main followers.
Apart from having mainly Yahudi followers, he will have a great number of women followers as well.
He will have with him fire and water, but in reality the fire will be cold water while that what appears to be cold water will in reality be a blazing fire.
Those who obey him will enter “his Jannat” while those who disobey him will enter “his Jahannam.”
There will be a thick fingernail-like object in his left eye.
The letters “Kaa” “Faa” “Raa” will appear on his forehead and will be deciphered by all Mu’mineen regardless of them being literate or not.
He will have a wheatish complexion.
He will travel at great speeds and his means of conveyance will be a gigantic mule. It is said that he will play beautiful music which will attract the music lovers.
Dajjal will lay claim to prophethood.
He will then lay claim to Divinity.
He will perform unusual feats.
He will travel the entire world. He will send down rains upon those who believe in him, which in turn will cause good crops to grow, trees to bear fruit and cattle to grow fat.
He will cause drought to those who disbelieve in him, resulting in starvation and hardship for them.
During those trying times the Mu’mineen will satiate their hunger through the recitation of Subhanallah and La’ilaha Ilallahu.
The hidden treasures will spill forth at his command. He will stay on this Earth for a period of forty days; the length of the first day will be one year, the second day will be equal to one month, the third day will be equal to a week and the remaining days will be normal.
He will be unable to enter Makkah because the Malaikah will be guarding the Holy City and nor will he be able to enter Madina because there will be Malaikah guarding each of the seven entrances to Madina; From Madina he will proceed towards Shaam where Imaam Mahdi will be stationed.
Finally Isa (A.S.) will descend from the heavens and pursue him and eventually kill him at present day Lydda (Baad Lud).

from: “Signs of Qiyamah”
by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

Dear all,

Islam says, till we all are seven, the angels are those who take care of us. after that we do and then all the sin and goodness we do are considered. so lets wait for somemore days to make a decision on this child.

And there are so many comments, and the comments from Aaffan dexcribes more, but tells about left eye of Dajjal, and this child is with one eye. so i prefer to tell you all that, better observe and make a decision as the choice of decision can make us go on a wrong side. Suppose we believe this is Dajjal and we observe him, and if he is not??? the real DAJJAL will grow to his power and when we all realise that it wud be really LATE, so better observe him, anyways things will happen if he is DAJJAL or not.

SO LETS PRAY TOGETHER. i have something else to be conveyed, one person who got converted to Islam said ” hey my friend muslims, please understand QURAN and please live accordingly, if you muslims become good, the whole world will be good” what does this convey, ” we all people who are born as a muslim got the purity of islam “free of cost” and those who learnd and got converted really know “wat islam is and they are “awarded islam and they are blessed and they will be”"

thanks friends

Someone just told me that when dajjal will be born, no one in this world would know about his presence, and him being growing up somewhere in the world. I just wonder how people dare to declare by using their own assumptions that ‘dajjal has been born’. I’d request that please stop spreading such horrific news about this innocent child. We should refrain ourselves from interfering in Allah’s matters – He knows everything well, and remember, Allah neither likes those who talk bad about others in public, nor He has given right to an ordinary person to spread such news on His behalf.

Someone just told me that when dajjal will be born, no one in this world would know about his presence, and him being grown up somewhere in the world. I just wonder how people dare to declare by using their own assumptions that ‘dajjal has been born’. I’d request that please stop spreading such horrific news about this innocent child. We should refrain ourselves from interfering in Allah’s matters – He knows everything well, and remember, Allah neither likes those who talk bad about others in public, nor He has given the right to an ordinary person to spread such news on His behalf.

i think tht dis child is Dajjal!!! i dun agree wid someone n jabeen! luk if another child is born deformed then we’ll say he’s jus a poor child whoz deformed n wen we gonna agree tht the child is Dajjal?the truth is we cant accept tht dis is Dajjal cuz we’re afraid ov him n cant accept gis appearence so early!!!Holy Prophet himself mentioned Dajjal as one eyed n then who we r to say tht he cannot be Dajjal? n yess a deformed child like dis 1 has never been born b4 then he CAN b Dajjal!nd like dis truth if we kept on disagreeing wid the signs of Dooms Day then frm according to us DOOMS DAY will also not come!!!for us then Dajjal wont come too bcuz we’re not agreeing frm the facts n the signs told by Holy Prophet!
i hope u guys agre wid wot i said………..c’mon guys he can be Dajjal!!!or i must say He’s Dajjal!!

I agree with the comments of Jabeeeeeeeen.

I think that its most likely this kid is a sign of things to come and don’t really think the kid is dajjal. If a lot of babies start being born with this deformity it will become normalised in society and when Dajjal is finally born, it will be easier to trick people into believing he is God. Dajjal will have Kaufer (disbeliever in arabic) written on the forehead and I thought the reason people got confused and thought Dajjal is God is because they become alot more distant from religion and probably can’t even read the words on the forehead? If some crazy person kills this baby they will have murder to deal with, and the real dajjal cannot be killed. Jesus will be the one that kills Dajjal, noone can change that. And I think Flower is right, it only makes sense that Dajjal appears as an a baby is too vulnerable of being killed..which can’t happen by the scripture.

I agree DENA…..

Great jabeen, you have commented so beautifuly and i appericiate you.
I am also agree with jabeen.

I cannot believe this nonsense…The hadith CLEARLY states that Dajjal has TWO eyes with one bulging out. Second Dajjal is born in Syria…NOT israel.
third, this baby was actually born in chennai in india…so stop spreading lies.

no good can come out of a lack of ilim (knowledge), this is what happens when ignorant people get excited and start posting rubbish everywhere.

PLEASE consult the ulema before putting this up!!

I just wanna ask that if you people don’t have confirmed or even consulted with an authentic muslim scholar then why the hell all of this fuss about may be an innocent but unlucky child who might be suffering from a syndrome.I guess if people can be born with hearts projecting outside the body and 47 chromosomes then no doubt it can happen.
Let us not spread this without confirmation and pray for him that he’s not dajjal and ALLAH makes him a muslim.



slam to all my brother and sister .
As jabeen tell that he is not dujjal jabeen tell when dujjal burn he tell u that i born .no.thats pic which we all see perhaps it true perhaps it will not but remmember one thing Trust ALLAH Almighty .as my comment i am full of fear really i am so feared .All of u pray ALLAH to forgive us /First who one of u pray Allah five time a ou faith is weak.we fight with each other for what only for money .in friday we r playing or watching tv or computer . Why ALLAH forgive us ,.
ALLAH SAYS IN QURAN he was revealed to u a book with truth, verifying it which is before it and He revealed the Tavrat and Injeel aforetime ,a guiedance for the people and He sent the Furqan.
Then those who reject Faith in the Signs of Allah will suffer the severest penalty, and Allah is Exalted in Might, Lord of Retribution.
From Allah, verily nothing is hidden on earth or in the heavens.
. Like the striving of the people of Firon and those before them; they rejected Our communications, so Allah destroyed them on account of their faults; and Allah is severe in requiting (evil).
There was a token for you in two hosts which met: one army fighting in the way of Allah, and another disbelieving, whom they saw as twice their number, clearly, with their very eyes. Thus Allah strengtheneth with His succour whom He will. Lo! herein verily is a lesson for those who have eyes.

I Agree with Abdul bhai

Even I just wanna ask that if you people don’t have confirmed or even consulted with an authentic muslim scholar then why the hell all of this fuss about may be an innocent but unlucky child who might be suffering from a syndrome.I guess if people can be born with hearts projecting outside the body and 47 chromosomes then no doubt it can happen.
Let us not spread this without confirmation and pray for him that he’s not dajjal and ALLAH makes him a muslim.

much better is Salam,


i don’t say that the child is dajjal or not.bue muslims try to strong his faith on GOD,may be its a warning for us or may be it is ,
but it says that he will be born in us nourish in us and become young in us but no one can say that thsi is dajjal
but i must say that this child is not a good sign we may do something in return.i don’t say that we must kill him coz it is not in our hand if it is we can’t do anything only pray for all


this is the miracle of Allah (S.W.A.)

I think this is not dujjal it is only the AYAH (sing) for the human beings to refrain from their evil action, and it show that Allah can creat everything He wish.

I don’t think this is dajjal because there are many photos of dajjal with one eye or no nose.Allah say that he will come when Islam followers are less than now they are.I think he is born in such critical condition or problems during the war.He is not coming or he will come we will just hold Quran and Sunnat and we will believe in Allah.<>!!

Aslaam wa alaikum . reading all your comments im slightly bemused of the lack of knowledge on this subject on part of the people who think his child is Dajjal firstly dajjal will be born to a childless couple secondley he will be from the jews note this child is born in indian and forgive me for thinkn nor is this child from the tribe of jews nor are the childs parents jewish. There are 3 aspects to Dajjal 1 he will be a social phenomenon 2 he will be unseen force 3 he will be an individual. the social phenomenon is the group of peolple who are paving the way for his arrival people like the freemasons, illuminati, and other secret societies their symbols are the one eye referred to as the eye of horus the pyramid with the 1 eye, the compass,and the checkered floor to name a few. the unseen force are the group of jinns and the majic used by the secret societies in setting up a 1 world system ready for the dajjal to rule it is well known that demons , jinn etc are worshipped in these secret societies and they often help these induviduals to gain wotever it is they want to gain. And Dajjal the individual will be a human being who will try and rule the worl from israel the jews are waiting his apperance as they believe he is their promised messiah wich he is not! The messiah was Jesus PBUH unfortunatley most of the jews did not accept him as the messiah for Dajjal to let himself be known as the leader of the jews firstly israel must be restored wich it has secondly israel must be the powerfulliest nation on earth wich it is about to become as the us economy will collapse and the zionist international monetry fund run by zionists takes control of all world finances as all the worlds nations are in debt to the international monetry fund this is a fact by the way once it does that they will be awaiting his arrival and they will make him their leader to rule from jerusalem as prophesised this plan u must understand is more than thousand years old BUT they plan and so does ALLAH SWT plan and the best of planners is ALLAH SWT Dajjal is ready to take power in israel that is when Muhammad ibn Abdullah also known as the Mahdi will imerge people will force him to become there leader during the hajj period befor his apperance there will be leader who will die and they will be disagreement on who will suceed this leader once he the Mahdi accepts the pledge of leadership then revolution will start an army will march from khorosan with black banners and the hadith of Rasullallah PBUH is when u knw this army has arrived then even if you hav to crawl over ice to join this army then u MUST because this army will hav the mahdi within it .It will take a tremendous amount of faith and courage to join this army but remember what Allah SWT says in the Quran he says “Oh you who believe what is the matter with you that wen you are asked to go forth in the way of Allah, you cling heavily to the earth! do you prefer the life of this world to the hearafter? but little is the comfort of this world compared to the hereafter. unless you go forth he will punish you with a grievious penalty and put others in your place. this is obviously referring to fighting in the way of ALLAH SWT. So when the time is right people remember these versus. to move on and then my brothers and sisters we all know that Zion will be destroyed and Dajjal will be Killed by Jesus PBUH and ALL the world WILL be under SHARIA rule. but befor that happens th muslims and wen i mean musims i mean the true muslims will be persecuted so much by the zionist its unimaginable it has already started with the war on terror and the war on Gaza by israel but it will get much much worser than its is. NOT until the Dajjal appers and the Mahdi that the believers will get the victory oh and when i mean believers i dont mean part time believers you know the ones who read namaz only on friday or eid or the ones who preach but dont do themselves no the true believers are the ones who read five times a day keep all the fasts give the charity enjoin the good and forbid the evil and love what Allah SWT loves and Hate what Allah SWT Hates. I would recomend a lecture on youtube wich will explain the current events in the world and remove all the confusion about Dajjal just type in imran hosein lecture on Dajjal oh and on metacafe type in the arrivals pt 1 its an absaloutley excellent series explaining the arrival of the mahdi the dajjal and jesus PBUH these two recomends are a must watch after wich all the confusion will dissapear and if it dont then theres something wrong anyway thank you and i hope people do go on the lectures and series of the arrivals as it will benefit you alot in understanding about dajjal

Aslaam wa alaikum . reading all your comments im slightly bemused of the lack of knowledge on this subject on part of the people who think his child is Dajjal firstly dajjal will be born to a childless couple secondley he will be from the jews note this child is born in indian and forgive me for thinkn nor is this child from the tribe of jews nor are the childs parents jewish. There are 3 aspects to Dajjal 1 he will be a social phenomenon 2 he will be unseen force 3 he will be an individual. the social phenomenon is the group of peolple who are paving the way for his arrival people like the freemasons, illuminati, and other secret societies their symbols are the one eye referred to as the eye of horus the pyramid with the 1 eye, the compass,and the checkered floor to name a few. the unseen force are the group of jinns and the majic used by the secret societies in setting up a 1 world system ready for the dajjal to rule it is well known that demons , jinn etc are worshipped in these secret societies and they often help these induviduals to gain wotever it is they want to gain. And Dajjal the individual will be a human being who will try and rule the worl from israel the jews are waiting his apperance as they believe he is their promised messiah wich he is not! The messiah was Jesus PBUH unfortunatley most of the jews did not accept him as the messiah for Dajjal to let himself be known as the leader of the jews firstly israel must be restored wich it has secondly israel must be the powerfulliest nation on earth wich it is about to become as the us economy will collapse and the zionist international monetry fund run by zionists takes control of all world finances as all the worlds nations are in debt to the international monetry fund this is a fact by the way once it does that they will be awaiting his arrival and they will make him their leader to rule from jerusalem as prophesised this plan u must understand is more than thousand years old BUT they plan and so does ALLAH SWT plan and the best of planners is ALLAH SWT Dajjal is ready to take power in israel that is when Muhammad ibn Abdullah also known as the Mahdi will imerge people will force him to become there leader during the hajj period befor his apperance there will be leader who will die and they will be disagreement on who will suceed this leader once he the Mahdi accepts the pledge of leadership then revolution will start an army will march from khorosan with black banners and the hadith of Rasullallah PBUH is when u knw this army has arrived then even if you hav to crawl over ice to join this army then u MUST because this army will hav the mahdi within it .It will take a tremendous amount of faith and courage to join this army but remember what Allah SWT says in the Quran he says “Oh you who believe what is the matter with you that wen you are asked to go forth in the way of Allah, you cling heavily to the earth! do you prefer the life of this world to the hearafter? but little is the comfort of this world compared to the hereafter. unless you go forth he will punish you with a grievious penalty and put others in your place. So when the time is right people remember these versus. to move on and then my brothers and sisters we all know that Zion will be destroyed and Dajjal will be Killed by Jesus PBUH and ALL the world WILL be under SHARIA rule. but befor that happens th muslims and wen i mean musims i mean the true muslims will be persecuted so much by the zionist its unimaginable it has already started with the war on terror and the war on Gaza by israel but it will get much much worser than its is. NOT until the Dajjal appers and the Mahdi that the believers will get the victory oh and when i mean believers i dont mean part time believers you know the ones who read namaz only on friday or eid or the ones who preach but dont do themselves no the true believers are the ones who read five times a day keep all the fasts give the charity enjoin the good and forbid the evil and love what Allah SWT loves and Hate what Allah SWT Hates. I would recomend a lecture on youtube wich will explain the current events in the world and remove all the confusion about Dajjal just type in imran hosein lecture on Dajjal oh and on metacafe type in the arrivals pt 1 its an absaloutley excellent series explaining the arrival of the mahdi the dajjal and jesus PBUH these two recomends are a must watch after wich all the confusion will dissapear and if it dont then theres something wrong anyway thank you and i hope people do go on the lectures and series of the arrivals as it will benefit you alot in understanding about dajjal

Asalaamualaikum wahrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Alhamdulilah, wasalatuwasalaam ala rasulilah, amabadu. This picture is among the many trappings of the shaitan. He constantly fools us into believeing so many corrupt images and philosophies. As reported in the book of dajjal in sahih muslim a christian had a ship who was on the sea which experienced rough winds. Upon Allah calming these winds the christian docked upon an island and was met by a shaggy beast named Jasassa who took him and his crew to the false one. Upon a few questions from the false one he concluded by saying “when i am free it would be better for them.” When the christian came back he told the Prophet sa, and the Prophet sa, brought him to the sahabah to tell of his experience after which the christian accepted islam. What did dajjal mean when he said it would be better for them? To be upon the Sunna of Allahs Messenger sa. So, the sunna is to know without a doubt the false one is on earth somewhere. He may even be amongst us now hidden in a place where his rajeem followers know. When he will be released is unknown. We have his description, where he will first appear and who he will be wit and who will kill him. NOTHING MORE! ASTAGFIRULLAH, AUTHOBILLAH MIN THALIK to this person who seeks to divert you from whats clearly reported in sahih muslim! HOLD ON FIRMLY TO WHAT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO U AND YOU WILL NOT GO ASTRAY! I encourage you to read this passage about the false one in sahih muslim the book of dajjal. Asalaamualaikum.

Since last few years the world has transformed dramatically in wake of the events which had had a devastating effect on the global politics. Although, similar events did occur in the past like World War – I & II, creation of Israel, emergence of New states, establishment of International Organizations etc, but these were never precisely analyzed and evaluated by Muslim scholars in the light of Prophetic traditions. In 1979, however, the Iranian Revolution and Iran-Iraq war did caught the attention of some scholars possessing profound knowledge of Hadith. Further in the 1990’s events like, fall of Communism, invasion of Iraq and concentration of Allied Forces in Arab lands, etc alarmed lot of Muslims and redirected their attention towards Hadith knowledge, which enabled them to draw parallels between the Prophetic traditions foretelling the future events and the prevailing environments. Still the majority of Muslims remained unaware of these Prophetic traditions until the horrifying events of September 11 following which the global politics entered a new arena of terrorism, repression, injustices and barbarism which some how or the other, effects day to day lives of almost all the human beings living on the planet.
One of the most dramatic and illusive character mentioned in these Prophetic traditions is of Dajjal. A character which has been a source of discussions and controversies, which has been even denied and dismissed by some Muslims scholars and which will haunt others to search for its real concept. In the contemporary world of science and technology, the events once considered as miracles have become a routine. Therefore, it becomes much easier for most of us to understand the actual concept of Dajjal, but there will be others, who will remain altogether oblivious of this concept, for being Naturist and too much under the influence of Science and Technology, for them this concept is still inconceivable and incomprehensible. We can also get some perspective about (DAJJAL known as) “THE ANTI-CHRIST” from Christian and Jewish sources as well, but scope of this paper will solely be restricted to all what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told about DAJJAL, who happens to be the greatest Fitnah (Evil/Test) that would ever befall in the history of humankind.
1. Who is Dajjal? Dajjal has been derived from the Arabic root word ‘Dajl’, meaning to deceive or deception or falsehood or intermingling truth with the falsehood to an extent, thus making it almost impossible to distinguish between the both. So anyone, who willingly deceives or stands for the falsehood can be termed as DAJJAL. A hadith Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraria says that: The Prophet said, “Before the world ends (doomsday) 30 deceiving lairs will be born and all of them will claim that he is the Messenger of God” (Muslim). So by that definition Dajjal should be a false Prophet. (It must be kept in mind that here the term 30 doesn’t denote exactly 30 in number rather it indicates that numerous deceivers would falsify their claim to be a Prophet). But interestingly, in various other hadiths which mention of ultimate chaos, lawlessness, lust for wealth, indiscriminate killings, rape, injustices, adultery, deceit, etc along with so many other social evils, the concept of Dajjal appears to be of an evil system in place. In other words these hadiths explicates of a system promoting mass immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, broadening the net of usury (through banking), Intoxication (use of Alcohol & Drug abuse), increased crime, Injustice, Oppression, Fitnah of the Pen (understood as the means of communications/media like Pornography, nudity, magazines, films, TV, internet etc), wars, Famine, Massacres/Genocide, Rape and suffering etc, etc on an immeasurable scale. Thus it can be concluded that once this system embroiled with all these evils (which can be equated to the western values) will reach its climax and almost everyone becomes the segment of this system the false Prophet Dajjal will emerge to rule the world through this system. He will first claim himself to be the Messiah or the messenger or a world leader and finally the GOD. In short, Dajjal as mentioned in hadiths is not only a worldly system, a form of governance, a way of living but also a personality claiming divinity.
The WESTREN CIVILIZATION of course is the icon of Dajjal representing a system having its roots in the banking system and the capitalistic corporate industry which is very much linked to the FREEMASONRY and ILLUMINISM about which abundant details can be obtained from the internet and various other publications like Most of the official positions in the United Nations, United States Congress, EU (European Union) and British Parliament are held by those who either are Freemasons or their ploys. According to National Geographic documentary on “Templers” aired on 4 April 2006, so far 17 American Presidents including George Washington have been known Freemasons. Freemasonry has deeply penetrated in all the world regions and continents (including the Islamic world), yet most people either do not know about it or acknowledge this fact.
Freemasons, claim themselves to be a part of an innocent organization aiming to establish a humanistic society based on the principles of freedom and equal rights. However, in reality they secretly worship a Devil-god, known as JAHBULON, and their real aim is to abolish all religions to establish one world government. Another secret faction within the Freemasons is “The Illuminatis” who not only worship the LUCIFER (Iblees or the Satan) but are endeavoring to establish the rule of Satan on this globe. The details can be read in these International best selling books on Freemasonry “The Global Freemasonry” by Haroon Yahya “The Brotherhood”, by Stephen Knight, “Pawns in the Game” by William Guy Carr, “Satanic Voices”, by David Musa Pidcock (which can be downloaded free of cost from (, “Secret Societies and Subversive Movements”, by Nesta H. Webster and “Dajjal The Anti-Christ” by Ahmed Thomson.
David Musa (a great British intellectual and converted Muslim) writes, “Whilst Gog and Magog are mentioned twice in the Qur’an, the Dajjal has no direct mention. This is extraordinary, given the assertion of the prophet, peace be upon him, that there is no more significant matter between the creation of Adam and the last hour than the Dajjal. People reading or listening to traditional descriptions of Dajjal, the anti-Christ may be forgiven for considering him to be a character of fiction. He is of an enormous size, travels at the speed of the clouds blown by the wind on a donkey, the distance between his ears being 40 arm spans, the deep sea only reaches up to his ankle, he has with him a mountain of bread and rivers, and works amazing miracles. He has been around since the prophet’s days, tied in iron chains on an island in the sea which is populated by spies. When he is let loose, time will become short and the ground will shrink. This myth of a giant, however, is probably the reason that so many ahadith about him survived to the present day. Acquainted with the workings of modern technology, we are able to appreciate that the abilities of this superhuman creature are due to the equipment at his disposal. We have witnessed car and plane travel, we see images from across the world beamed into our living rooms via television, we use mobile telephones to keep in touch with people in the remotest corners of the world. We can understand how somebody can be in many places at once, listen to what happens at different locations in the earth, travel at speed and show us water you cannot taste and fire that does not burn you. To people before us, anybody accomplishing such tasks, must have been a magical being. Our unforgivable mistake is that we love to hold on to the magic like a fairy tale from childhood which we can’t let go of.
If we are talking about Dajjal, representing a system of disbelief clearly visible to anybody as such, be he literate or not, irrespective of the fact that it is being proclaimed in the name of Trinitarian Christianity, then this Dajjal is alive and kicking amongst us, no longer tied down since he mastered the art of using iron, throwing off his chains and restrictions, making everything fancy from computer hardware to destructive weapons. He is one-eyed, materialistic, deprived of spirituality, his promised paradise is hell and his hell is paradise, and he is followed by an army of Jews, women and Bedouins. He controls the resources of the world through his interest banking system, and has indeed mountains of bread, and people will suffer hunger unless they follow him. Whilst the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, would have argued with him on our behalf, were he still around, now everybody will have to argue with him on his own behalf. Yet, Dajjal, the system, is not sufficient an explanation for all the descriptions given of him in the prophetic traditions. Many of them speak of Dajjal as an ordinary, short man of Jewish extraction (like Ibn Sayyad), with curly and coarse hair and a beak of a nose, and biting teeth. He commands armies and, ultimately, he will be slain. Dajjal the person is the leader who will ultimately lead the forces of evil on this earth, the system of Dajjal.”
Another converted Muslim Muhammad Asad (ex Laopold Weiss) wrote in the chapter Dajjal, in his book “Road to Mecca”: “…. but the young Bedouin was persistant in his search for knowledge, and asked, Is it true O brother that you yourself was a Frangi? (word used for the European Christians and Jews in Arabia and Asia). On nodding my head he asked, “Tell me brother that why the Frangis are so unmindful of God?”
‘This is a long story and can’t be answered in few words’. I replied. ‘All I can tell you now is that the world of Frangis has become the world of Dajjal, the glittering and the deceptive one. Haven’t you heard that the Prophet told that in later times most people will follow Dajjal, believing him to be God?’
As he looked at me with a question in his eyes, I recounted to a visible approval in the eyes of Shiekh Abu-Bulayhid, the prophecy about the appearance of that apocalyptic being, the Dajjal, who would blind in one eye but endowed with mysterious powers upon him by God. He would hear with his ears in the farthest corners of the earth, and would see with his one eye the events happening at infinite distances. He would fly around the earth in days and will cause the treasures of gold and silver to appear beneath the ground,……. so those whose faith is weak will believe him to be God and those who are strong in their faith will be able to read written in his forehead ‘Denier of God’.”

Ahmed Thomson a British lawyer and a converted Muslim writes in his book, Dajjal the Anti Christ: “Another example of the manner in which the Dajjal system operates as regards the elimination of opposition by so called “constitutional Means” is to be found in the manner in which the famous Nuremberg trails were conducted. This particular stage production was perhaps one of the most thoroughly and carefully orchestrated cover-ups in the history of Dajjal takeover, and cost millions of pounds.
Hitler, like Ezra Pound, was well aware of the freemasons’ activities, as were his immediate followers. He instigated a wide spread propaganda campaign to reveal these activities. He even embarked the second Kafir world war. Like Pound he underestimated the degree of control of the freemasons. There was even a stage when, partially financed by Zionist financiers on Wall Street, he believed that the American government would be supporting him, so little did he knew of the takeover which has been going on in earnest in that country for at least 50 years prior to the commencement of the Second World War.”

He also writes, “The freemasons, like the magicians of Pharaoh, are today’s masters of illusions. They mesmerise people with illusions, so as to be able to control and manipulate them, and the Nuremberg trial illusions was perhaps one of their greatest feasts of illusions, masking a masterly exercise in manipulation control, thanks to the combined efforts of the medical and legal experts, and ensuring not only that the important followers of Hitler were both utterly discredited and eliminated in the process, but also that general public of the world were taken in by that illusions …… In reality the second Kafir world war was no more or less than a power struggle between opposing pyramidical Kafir power systems …… Thus in effect the second Kafir world war was one unified event involving one system, that is the Kafir system, that is the Dajjal system, involved in destroying itself.”

Defining the concept of Dajjal he writes: “Thus although the actual word ‘Dajjal’ does not appear in Quran, the activities of Dajjal, the last and ultimate expression of Kufr in the creational process before the end of the world, are clearly indicated and identified. The Kafir system as a whole with all its interlinking sub-systems, all controlled by their so called experts, is Dajjal as a world wide social and cultural phenomenon – and the Prophet Muhammad said that Kufr is one system. The way in which the producer consumer process is operated, and the way in which its sub-systems are used to control and manipulate the people enslaved by the producer consumer system, are clear evidence of the takeover which has been and is taking place by Dajjal as an unseen force. The Kafir system that is the Dajjal system dominates almost all of the countries of the world today, and it can be only a matter of time before Dajjal, the individual, appears.”

These opinions are of those Muslims who have lived in the west, watching and analysing its ills very closely. They have very accurately understood the concept of Dajjal which has engulfed almost all of us and now being a part of it, we are happily living in our capitalist societies which are entirely controlled, engineered and manipulated by profiteers and orchestrates of the Dajjal system.
2. Why Dajjal is not mentioned in Quran? The exact reason for not mentioning Dajjal in Quran is surely, only known to Allah. However, there can be numerous assumptions to this and the one, which appeared most logical, is presented here:
Before the doomsday there would be some unusual and major events which are commonly known as ‘Major Signs of the Doomsday’ after which the repentance won’t be accepted by Allah. The Quran tells us about these in Sura-47, verse-18, “Are they then waiting for the (last) hour that it should come to them all of a sudden? Now indeed the signs of it have (already) come, but how shall their remembrance (of their past sins) would help them when it befalls on them?” Similar message is given in Sura 6, verse- 158, “Are they now just waiting for, that the angels should come to them, or that your Lord should come, or that some of the signs of your Lord should come? On the day when the signs of your Lord shall appear, accepting faith shall not profit anyone who did not believed before, or earned good deeds by virtue of his faith. Say: So wait; we too are waiting”.
There are various major signs before the doomsday which are not specifically mentioned in Quran, but are mentioned in Hadith. The Prophet enumerated these major signs and also told that once some of these signs (mentioned below at serial 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10) appear no one’s repentance will be accepted as also indicated in the above Quranic verse. These major signs are :
(1) Emergence of fire in Arabia (Hijaz) (which has already happened in 654 A.H). (2) Great portions of land sinking underneath, in the West. (3) Great portions of land sinking underneath in Middle East. (4) Great portions of land sinking underneath in Asia/SE Asia. (5) Dajjal. (6) Jesus. (7) Gog and Magog. (8) Smoke descending from sky. (9) Sun rising from West. (10) Beast emerging from the earth. (11) A Great Fire in Yemen.
Out of these 11 signs, only 4 are mentioned in the Quran: Beast of the earth (Ch-27, verse-82), Return of Jesus (Ch-43, verse-61), Gog and Magog (Ch-18, verse 92-99 & Ch-21, verse 96-97), and Smoke from Sky (Ch-44, verses 10-11) rest signs are enumerated in hadiths only. The only logical reason for this can be that, the institution of Hadith and Prophet should be considered important and must never be undermined in any way. So all those who out rightly deny the validity of Hadith would remain skeptical regarding some of these signs, specially of Dajjal, which being a very complicated concept/system would certainly engulf them as their victims. Imraan Bin Hussain (RA) narrated that, Prophet (SAWS) said: “Since the birth of Adam till the day of Judgment (Qiyamah), there is no bigger an event (Fitnah/test) than DAJJAL” (MUSLIM).
It is obvious that anyone who denies Prophet’s Hadith and Dajjal, will definitely become the victim of either Dajjal or its evil system. Meaning that, not mentioning Dajjal in Quran, tantamount to be a punishment for those who deny the Hadith and undermine the Prophet’s position in Islam, so as to, let them bewilder in their deceptive world of “rationalist intellectual philosophy” and thus making them to fall for Dajjal’s deceptive world through denial and rejection.
Ubaidah Bin Saamit (RA) says, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said “I have explained DAJJAL to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. DAJJAL will be of short height with his legs crooked, his hair would be curly. If still any doubt persists in your mind, remember that your Sustainer (ALLAH) is not one eyed.” (AHMAD). In another hadith Imraan Bin Hussain (RA) says the Prophet (SAWS) said; ‘Those who hear about DAJJAL should stay far away from him. Swearing by Allah! A person will approach him thinking himself to be a believer, but on seeing his amazing feats, will become his follower’. (ABU DAWOOD).
3. Why there seems to be some contradictions in Hadith about Dajjal? Although most of the Hadiths about Dajjal are in their real sense, means denoting an individual, however, some hadiths are also allegorical in their meaning. Therefore, in some ahadiths, Dajjal is mentioned as a personality and in some as a system of governance, so sometimes these hadiths appear to be contradictory. But once viewed minutely relating them to the present and recent past events they appear to be very logical and clear.
For example, once it is said that Dajjal is blind from one eye or he has just one eye, it refers to our contemporary system of physical and material pleasures with no spiritual dimensions, thus denoting that the spiritual eye does not exist in this capitalist system. In some ahadiths, Dajjal’s left eye is termed as blind while in some his right eye is called as blind. Here most probably, left eye refers to Communism while right eye points towards Capitalism and interestingly, both systems are devoid of any spiritual values.
At some places it is was told by Prophet Muhammad that Dajjal would be carrying fire in one hand and water in the other, implying that in his disobedience is his dislike resulting in severe hardships but ultimately leading to heaven, while in his obedience is his affinity resulting in worldly blessings and pleasures but ultimately leading to hellfire. This of course doesn’t mean that, he would be literally carrying fire and water in his hands. So these ahadiths refers to the physical comforts and pleasures which would only be attainable as a result of his obedience, whereas, the worldly and economic hardships would follow as a result of his denial and disobedience. But ultimately, the one who will embrace his water or pleasures will go to hell in the hereafter and the one who will accept his fire or hardships will earn the prize of heaven in the hereafter.
The exact parallel can be given if we have to explain a computer to a person some 300 – 400 years ago. To do this, we would sometime have to draw parallels with a cupboard or will have to mention of a box like thing or even of a cabinet which can talk to us, listen to us, communicates with us and even can display pictures, sing songs etc. Likewise in a hadith Prophet told, “…. Animals and non-livings will talk to you, even so your stick and shoe lace will talk to you and your thighs will inform you regarding the events which had taken place in your absence in your house” (Thrimdhi). This most likely refers to the computers, telephones, surveillance cameras, radio/TV etc, and also the mobile phones which we normally keep in pockets close to our thighs.
Another Hadith says, “….. even trees and stones will speak out that a (Freemason/illuminati) Jew is standing behind me …. But the ‘Gharkad’ tree won’t speak which is of the Jews” (Muslim). This may be an indication or referral to the latest modes of identifications which could be used for Jewish identification, like ID cards, ATM/credit cards, social security numbers, telephone numbers, Tax returns, and other similar modes of identification/software etc. There is a possibility that may be the identification system/software developed by Jews won’t help in this regard or maybe the Gharkad tree specifically helps them in someway to conceal their identity (only Allah knows the best).
Similarly Prophet ’saw Dajjal and Jesus circling around the Kabba in his dream’ (Bokhari), this might mean that the system of Dajjal would be so common, popular among the Muslims and so well-adapted that even it would not be possible for a common man to distinguish the Islamic system from that of the Dajjal’s system. Today the western capitalism (based on usury and banking) is considered to be superior to the Islamic economic and social system and almost all the Muslim countries have adopted these western values and economics considering them to be absolutely legitimate and completely in accordance with Islam. Usury has been given the name of mark-up or interest; dancing, singing, pornography etc has been legitimized in the name of art and culture. Interestingly, while being considered as to be the truly Islamic countries, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are classical example of this hadith. Being the closest allies of the country which is the torch bearer of the Dajjal System these countries are adopting the laws and taking measures in all the facets of life which are absolutely un-Islamic. Most people are of the opinion that not only this system must remain in place but rather it is perfectly fine to pursue the prevailing economic agenda/policies under the shade of western Dajjal’s system. For them all this should continue as it is not possible to live in isolation rejecting these universal western values and banking system. They have fallen in the trap of Dajjal system and the above mentioned Hadith is clearly indicative of this fact.
Likewise, Prophet could not have told his companions that Dajjal will emerge or would fly in a Boeing 707 or in an Air Bus 337, therefore he said: “Dajjal will emerge riding a white donkey whose span of ears would be 70 yards”, (Bahaqqi). He also told that ‘Dajjal will move very fast on the planet, with the speed of clouds he will have one feet in Damascus while other in Yemen.” He also mentioned of ‘great wars over the mountain of GOLD which will emerge in the heart of Euphrates before emergence of Dajjal in which 100 out of 99 people will be killed’. (Muslim) This mountain of (BLACK) Gold most likely is OIL over which we all are fighting and the extent of bloodshed and deaths in Iraq, indeed perfectly matches this hadith.
He also told ‘before his (Dajjal’s) emergence Romans (Christians) under 80 banners (nations) will unite against you and each banner (flag/nation) will comprise of 12,000 soldiers’ (Muslim), thus the total figure of forces would reach over 9,60,000. We have already witnessed the world largest coalition and concentration of forces in the 1990’s during the Gulf War-1. Prophet also told that ”soon (infidel) nations will provoke each other to charge and invade you (Muslim nations) like if someone invites another person for a feast” (Abu-Dawood). Interestingly Prophet also told that, ‘initially you (Muslims) will join the coalition but they (Romans/Christians) will break the treaty and their leader will proclaim that ‘the Cross has prevailed (against Islam)’ which will infuriate Muslims so you will unite against them and Romans will form a coalition of 80 banners against you’ (Abu-Dawood/Ibn-e-Maja). The Jews, the Christians, the Atheists and Secularist, have already joined hands in the name of “WAR AGAINST TERROR” which covertly is directed against Islam, since 2001. Muslims are also a part of this coalition since then but now it appears that the time is not very far off when Muslim leaders would realize the real agenda of war against terror after the overt proclamation of superiority of Western values over Islam by the Western leaders.
Prophet also told that the ‘Romans will ultimately be defeated by the Muslims although they would inflict heavy damages to Muslims and once Muslims would be progressing ahead with their successes under the leadership of Medhi, Dajjal will emerge’ (Muslim). This may indicate that the Christendom would ultimately fall apart or maybe it refers to the disintegration or economic collapse of the United States. In that case no major force would be impeding the Muslims to unite and fight the Europeans who still would be fighting this war. So once Muslims would be re-capturing their lost territories under the leadership of Madhi, Dajjal will emerge. Therefore, we can deduce that the collapse of United States (like of USSR) and emergence of Dajjal is destined in the near future maybe after a decade or so.
Some hadiths tells us that DAJJAL will emerge from a place somewhere between Iran and Iraq (may be Kurdistan) or maybe from an area between Iran and Afghanistan which was referred to as Isfahaan in the Prophet’s time. He will be of Jewish origin and will have caused his Jewish parents much distress and pain. The Jews will accept him as ‘The Messiah’ and would become his main followers. He will also have a great number of women followers as this Hadith clearly says so: ‘Narrated by Hazrat Ibn-e-Umer, Prophet said, “Dajjal will stay in the saline land ‘Marqnaat’ while most of the womenfolk shall approach him. Even so that a man will tie-up his wife, mother, daughter, sister and aunt with rope fearing that they might not conjoin with Dajjal ….” (Ahmed vol 2). Unfortunately, in the Muslim world more and more women are joining the Women’s Freedom movements which are all funded by western NGO’s. In the name of freedom their real objectives are to replace the divine Law with their own charter, labeling Quranic laws as old and obsolete thereby, spreading corruption, encouraging free sex, reducing women to a device used for modeling and product marketing etc. The Islamic laws have already been declared as obsolete by Mrs. Asma Jahangir, a leading woman’s rights activist in Pakistan). There is another hadith which explain as to how the women and men will defy the Islamic values in the times near to the emergence of Dajjal: ‘Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira, Prophet said, “Two creeds of people of the hellfire I have not seen yet. One, of those rulers, striking their citizens with lashes similar to that of bull’s tail, and second of those women who despite wearing clothes will appear nude, these women, through eloquence will attract men and will also be attracted towards them, their heads would be uncovered like the hump of camels. These are the men and women who will neither enter the heaven nor will smell its fragrance, even though one can smell its fragrance from a great distance.” (Muslim).
We can see that the entire secular world (including Zionist Jews/Freemasons, Atheist, Christian evangelists, Hindus etc) have united against Islam under the banner of the War Against Terror. The time is not far off once this banner will be in the hands of Anti-Christ or Dajjal and Islam would be the only force standing between him and the total world domination. Some other Hadiths are given below:
Huzaifah (RA) said, ‘Dajjal will be blind of one eye’. This blind eye will be swollen like a grape: There will be a thick finger-like object in his eye. The letters “KAF”, “FE”, “RE” (KFR) will be written on his forehead (meaning – Unbeliever). Every Muslim will be able to read these letters whether he is literate or illiterate. He will travel at great speeds by means of a gigantic animal-like a mule…..(MUSLIM & AHMAD).
Narrated Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman: “Subay’ ibn Khalid said: I came to Kufah at the time when Tustar was conquered. I took some mules from it. When I entered the mosque (of Kufah), I found there some people of moderate stature, and among them was a man whom you could recognize when you saw him that he was from the people of Hijaz. I asked: Who is he? The people frowned at me and said: Do you not recognize him? This is Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, the companion of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him). Then Hudhayfah said: People used to ask the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) about good, and I used to ask him about evil. Then the people stared hard at him. He said: I know the reason why you dislike it. I then asked: Apostle of Allah, will there be evil as there was before, after this good which Allah has bestowed on us? He replied: Yes. I asked: Wherein does the protection from it lie? He replied: In the sword. I asked: Apostle of Allah, what will then happen? He replied: If Allah has on Earth a caliph who flays your back and takes your property, obey him, otherwise die holding onto the stump of a tree. I asked: What will come next? He replied: Then the Antichrist (Dajjal) will come forth accompanied by a river and fire. He who falls into his fire will certainly receive his reward, and have his load taken off him, but he who falls into his river will have his load retained and his reward taken off him. I then asked: What will come next? He said: The Last Hour will come. (Abu-Dawood,)”
Narrated Mu’adh ibn Jabal: “The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The greatest war, the conquest of Constantinople and the coming forth of the Dajjal (Antichrist) will take place within a period of seven months. (Abu- Dawood,)”
Narrated Abu Hurayrah: “The Prophet (pbuh) said: There is no prophet between me and Jesus (pbuh). He will descent (on the earth), when you see him, do recognize him: (he is) a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his hair though these will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist (Dajjal) and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will offer his last prayers”. (Abu-Dawood)”
Huzaifah (RA) also says, He will have with him WATER (Heaven) and FIRE (HELL). In reality his hell shall be heaven and his heaven shall be hell……(MUSLIM). In another Hadith Prophet (SAWS) said, that DAJJAL shall not know himself the difference between the two (i.e. between his fire and water) so if you are forced to choose between the two, then choose his fire (Hell), for in reality, it will be cool water, and his water (Heaven), shall be the Hellfire.
So be watchful, we are living in the Dajjal’s era. Therefore, don’t fall prey to Dajjal or the system of Dajjal which is synonymous to “Geo-Economics, Self Interest, National Interest, Western Capitalism, Slogan of Freedom & Human Rights (in which gay marriages, prostitution and union without marriage is permissible), Illuminism, Freemasonry, Nationalism, Communism, Enlightened Moderation, Banking system based on usury etc”. Where the women’s liberation is defined in such a horrible term that name of women become synonymous to sexual, commercial and promotional device (which is obvious from the charter of organizations like Beijing +5), where obeying your wishes/whim’s and achieving materialist pleasures becomes sole purpose of your life, where the Philosophy of Universal Religion (that all religions are right and guide to same straight path) supercedes the divine religion, thereby worshiping one God, 2 gods, multiple gods or even not believing in God stands equal. What thus become important remains, establishing a society on the basis of Freemasonry principles. Therefore, the Dajjal system is almost completely in place and it is just a matter of time when Dajjal as a character will appear to rule the world; the stage for his appearance is almost set.
Note : DAJJAL will have the power to cause Famine, Earth quakes and destruction on a mass scale. Many Muslims will join the ranks of DAJJAL on being afraid of his power and only those with very strong faith will be able to resist. May Allah guide and protect us, so that we my spread the word of Allah. Ameen
Compiled by: Shams Zaman Pakistan

dajjal has one eye like a swollen grape and one normal.

how we get confrmed tht he iz dajjal plz tll if any 1 haz information about it

The main way to know he is here and amongst us is by Mecca and Medina shaking, expelling all the hypocrites who will be with him also by the jews of Isfahan who will follow him, the amazing feats he will perform, his one eye and the letters kfr between his two eyes which everyone who believes will be able to see. He will claim he is Allah and people will believe him because of the amazing things he will be doing. He appears in your time STAY AWAY FROM HIM, our prophet said,”A person would go to him regarding himself a believer (thinking he would be safe because of his belief) but end up his follower ( because of the undescribable levels of illusion and tricks he will use to subdue the minds of people).


hii people de ppl saying da guy is dajjal r foooools ask any1 tad how is dajjal he would be having 2 eyes not 1 but he cant see anythin wid his 1 eye and see by 1 eye


hii people de ppl saying da child is dajjal r foooools ask any1 tad how is dajjal he would be having 2 eyes not 1 but he cant see anythin wid his 1 eye and see by 1 eye

From my findings, the photo is of a mutant baby girl born in St. Petersburg, Russia and died just after birth.


no, i dont think so
hadiths clearly state that the dajjal will have two eyes but one will be blind, and the other one will be protruding like a floating grape.

I do think though I have a limited thinking the photograph of the boy placed into ur web page is not ,Dajjal, it is just the Qudrat of GOD almighty.I argue that still islam spread all arround the world and Science has to progreess more so I do think that this not the time of the arrival of Dajjal.He will come and Hazrat Essa Will kill him according to God’ order.

hi my islamic brothers this may have already been said but this is an unfortunate baby that has been born. there are many other time of deformed babies in the world with no arms or legs but they dont signify anything so to my instinct i think it is an deformed baby like anyother baby without an arm or legs. thanks

p.s. dont make racist comments about jewish dajjal because that it extremely rude


I do not agree may b or not

everyone needs to get there stories RIGHT!!! i want to know if this is true or not. people need to read the Qur’an and then talk.

this is disgusting. you should remove this photograph, it’s obscene.

how can you do this.

dajjal is a system not necessarily one man. it’s anti-christ, so whoever says he is christian and goes against the christ is anti-christ, for example, crusaders and nazis.

likewise, the taliban and weak muslim nations make fun of muhammad even as they call themselves muslims. we could call them the dajjal, too. muhammad and jesus work from the same platform.

this picture shows sadism, and all those who enjoy watching it and commenting on it — I spit on you



may god bless us


can you kill himm if not he will end all the things if he will grown

Dajjal can not harm the muslims we will see him. Hazarat ali will came to end him in Jugement day.

brothers an sisters this is goffy an silly an possibly a fake picture if u want a part of the puzzle check out some videos on the zohar jewish kabblah
a rabbi an his son hide from the romans in a cave then the so called great prophet elijah the same man who is reported being taken by god an seeing god with the eyes an in hasidic the man who started this orthadox sect of judeism waz instructed by an invisible prophet1 who are theses invisble an imortal prophets im sick of this fake dejal bs an im sick of hearing brothers talk bad about ibn sayyad he is your brother not dejal!

I think that dajjal “antechrist” not only he’s one eyed but also has written on his forehead the word: kafer “misbeliever”

Nevertheless, I warn all muslims who r emetting false judgements about people ! a muslim doesn’t talk about what he does not know!!! what this kid has can occur to any child in the world! There are accidents in life. Dajjal, it is written on his forehead: kafer!! nobody is intiteled to put people’s life in any risk (neither physically nor psychologically!)
if it isn’t the Muslim who must have Hikma, who will have it then?!
Surch, and you’ll find a lot of one eyed babies in the world! and yet they are not dajjals!! There are risks and accidents in life! May Allah bless humanity, May Allah forgive us our ignorance and our anticipations on some subjects.

Just to avoid confusion. This is NOT Dajjal. Like many above stated he will have TWO eyes, and he will be blind on the right one. Please don’t spread the false news. When you hear someone like Al-Khardawi, AL-Karni, Koubeysi and others tell that Dajjal has arrived then its probably true, but info like this often circulates through emails. This child is unfortunate and let him live his life. Only god knows why he was born like that and I would ask you all to acquire knowledge first and then speak. May Allah be with you.

i’d requet everyone not to barely comment about this unfortunate child. if it’s been Dajjal, u’ll not be able to destroy him. Only Jesus will be sent to destroy him. if its ALLAH Subhanahuta’ala’s decision then u can never change it. if its not been Dajjal, u’ll be accused to kill an innocent child. Dajjal will b sent to justify our faith upon ALLAH almighty. so, better we stronger our faith so that we will not stand with the line of misbelievers. we are the Muslims, we believe in ALLAH Subahanhuta’ala who eill save us by His Grace. Amin.

what i have read is that dajal is grown up creature . it will not be a baby but…………………….?

هذا هو المسيح الدجال بعينه …

سبحان الله اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من فتنة المسيح الدجال .

May Allah in his infinite mercy,guide us all onto the straight path.

he is not that guy (Dajjal), as mentioned in islam

please dont make him a victim of your comments and request to remove the pic from the site so it is not commented further.


this is true and he will definitely be dajal.

Aslam o alaykum . As per my view it is fake but suppose it is be real and the Muslims should have to be serious . So please get up and think about our past , present and future . O ALLAH save us from grave’s hell’s and Dajjal’s damnation .

These are the pictures of a Cyclopian Child Born in Chennai

This is a one-eyed child suffering from a rare chromosomal disorder known as cyclopia was born in a hospital in Chennai last year. The disorder occurs during pregnancy when the cells that constitute the forebrain fail to develop properly and fuse into a single eye. Instances of cyclopia are generally attributed to outside factors like ambient pollution, radiation, drugs and the introduction of other agents that can alter fetal development. ”

I even frwd to some of my friends….which i should not have done because I remembered the hadith, Its is narrated that the dajjal will have One eye that is blind.. but that doesnt mean he’s one eyed. He has two eyes.

Ubaidah Bin Saamit (RA) says, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said “ I have explained DAJJAL to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. DAJJAL will be short, and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted….. . If you have any doubt regarding DAJJAL, remember that your Sustainer (ALLAH), is not one eyed. (Because DAJJAL will eventually claim to be God himself. His followers shall accept him as such). He will be able to split a person into two and then bring him back life again….(AHMAD).

This picture is a baby with one eye. The Dajjal has Two eyes.

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar Radiallahu Ta’aala Anhu

Umar ibn al-Khattab set out with Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him) and a group of his companions to ibn Sayyad. They found him playing with the boys in the fort or near the hills of Banu Maghalah. Ibn Sayyad was nearing puberty at that time.

He did not notice the arrival of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) until Allah’s Messenger may (peace_be_upon_ him) patted him on the back with his hand and said, “Do you testify that I am Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him)?” Ibn Sayyad looked at him and said, “I testify that you are the Messenger of the illiterate.” Then ibn Sayyad said to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him). “Do you testify that I am Allah’s Messenger?” The Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) denied that, saying, “I believe in Allah and all His Messengers,” and then said to ibn Sayyad, “What do you see?” Ibn Sayyad said, ‘True people and liars visit me.” The Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) said, “You have been confused in this matter.” Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him) added, “I have kept something for you (in my mind).” Ibn Sayyad said, “Ad-Dukh.” The Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) said, “Ikhsa (you should be ashamed) for you cannot exceed your limits.”

Umar said, “O Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him)! Allow me to chop off his head.” Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him) said (to Umar), “Should this person be he (i.e. Ad-Dajjal) then you cannot overpower him; and should he be someone else, then it will be no use your killing him.”

Abdullah ibn Umar added: “Later on Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him) and Ubayy ibn Ka’b al-Ansari (once again) went to the garden in which ibn Sayyad was present. When Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him) entered the garden, he started hiding behind the trunks of the date-palms intending to hear something from ibn Sayyad before the latter could see him. Ibn Sayyad was lying on his bed, covered with a velvet blanket, from which his murmuring could heard. Ibn Sayyad’s mother saw the Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) and said, ‘O Saf (the nickname of ibn Sayyad)! Here is Muhammad!’ Ibn Sayyad stopped his murmuring. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_ him) said, ‘If his mother had kept quiet, then I should have learnt more about him.’

Abdullah added: “Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_ him) stood up before the people (delivering a sermon), and after praising and glorifying Allah as He deserved, he mentioned the Ad-Dajjal saying, ‘I warn you against him, and there has been no prophet who has not warned his followers against him. Noah warned his followers against him but I am telling you something about him, of which no prophet has told his people, and that is:’ Know that he is blind in one eye whereas Allah is not so.’”

AS brothers and sisters

This rumor about a lil chld in israel being born is mad first of all Dajal will have 2 eyes except one wont be able to see and if he is he will have KAFIR written on his forehead that all true believers will see.


i do beleive in this news bcoz its not a remour. GOD by its prophet and by the way of QURAN PAK told that it have to be occur near in future now the time has come and i think all the musluims should endorsed this news instead of thinking it remour or false statement. if this baby has born and will have to be born in near future nobody can see him physically one by one by going there so we have to convey after making more confermations through internets and telecomunications sources. so all of u have to believe in this concept and be ready by making aur faith more strong and strong.

no, i dont think so
hadiths clearly state that the dajjal will have two eyes but one will be blind, and the other one will be protruding like a floating grape…
Totally Agreeed With Sadia

there are Dajjals all amongst us……can’t we first identify them. Infactthe DAJJAL within us is very lethal. first kill it.
lets get aware of our very existence first.

i totally agree with Ms Jabeen and Ahsen Husain. we have no right to pass any judgememnt about this new born. this era is the era of deception. and it is not necessary that there should be a person with these features we read in Ahadis. it could be a nation or a country as well. the features we are informed through Ahadis could be a mere characteristic to match.
so instead of finding dajjal in others we should find this man inside us and we definitely will find a dajjal in each one of us. the way people treat each other in Takabbur is characteristic of dajjal. people who have Power feel that they are God and they rule the earth and they can do anything, is the characteristic of dajjal. May we first overcome the real dajjal inside us and we can beome a good human being if we eliminate that one out.
thank you all.

he is not that guy (Dajjal), as mentioned in islam

Salam Brothers and sisters.

i am shocked when i was reading some of the comments left by fellow muslims.

Dont you think its irrelevant whether Dajjal has arrived or not. Surely we as muslims should be turning to Allah for mercy and guidance.

As muslims if you beleive Dajjal will arrive then let him as there is nothing you or i could do to stop him. what has been stated will happen so why all the fuss.

as for this particular picture which i refuse to see. it may or may not be an innocent child. i am not going to judge nor comment as i could be wrong, so why assume something and spread gossip only for it to be untrue therefore resulting in my committing a sin.

just pray and seek sanctuary in Allah

hi i think this is dajjal bt who im to say n allah knows better

i hate dajjal and all non muslims.god is great.hum muslims ko ab aik ho jana chye.god is great.i love god.

guys hello what did you think that this is dajal or not and i think that this is not a dajal

no this baby is not dijjal. because es ka ilam sirf allah k pas hai es lia hamien is pr koi comments nai krny chahiyen. ok. mujhy umeed hai ainda koi aisa nai kry ga. allah hafiz

may be hi is dajjal but allah almighty knows better.when we have strong eman so nobody can defeat us also pray 4 ur self and being a muslim we should pray 4 usq.allah is graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat`

I dnt think so that he is DAJAL
because a big sign of DAJAL which Islam give us that the word KAFIR written on his forhead.

and the arrival of DAJJAL will be the last stage
when we dont have any kind of facilities like, electricity, transport etc.

ASSALAMU ALAIKUM brothers and sister
no i dont think this izz dajjal Dont you think its irrelevant whether Dajjal has arrived or not.hadiths clearly state that the dajjal will have two eyes but one will be blind, and the other one will be protruding like a floating grape…
i m agreed with my sister sadia
plz namaz ki papandi karen ALLAH is great

i am agree wid you guyzzzzzzz……..

Dear all,

Islam says, till we all are seven, the angels are those who take care of us. after that we do and then all the sin and goodness we do are considered. so lets wait for somemore days to make a decision on this child.

And there are so many comments, and the comments from Aaffan dexcribes more, but tells about left eye of Dajjal, and this child is with one eye. so i prefer to tell you all that, better observe and make a decision as the choice of decision can make us go on a wrong side. Suppose we believe this is Dajjal and we observe him, and if he is not??? the real DAJJAL will grow to his power and when we all realise that it wud be really LATE, so better observe him, anyways things will happen if he is DAJJAL or not.

SO LETS PRAY TOGETHER. i have something else to be conveyed, one person who got converted to Islam said ” hey my friend muslims, please understand QURAN and please live accordingly, if you muslims become good, the whole world will be good” what does this convey, ” we all people who are born as a muslim got the purity of islam “free of cost” and those who learnd and got converted really know “wat islam is and they are “awarded islam and they are blessed and they will be””

thanks friends

Blog ki mashori kai liyay Islam ka faida naa uthaiyay :D

just beleive in islam thats da only truth in universe …………lets leave this case for various ULMA’S in this world ….THANKS

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